Juice Cleanse Day 1


Looking at my kermit green juice at 4:40am this morning, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t full of apprehension.

Would it taste ok?  would it be hard to drink?

Here goes nothin…

I was pleasantly surprised that it tasted good.  I wasn’t hungry through the yoga class I taught this morning, but by the time I got done teaching I was ready for another one While getting ready for work I gulped another, it had been about two hours from the first one so I figured that was about.  Did I mention there are 6 a day for me to consume?

Running to work I pulled two bottles out of the fridge to take with me and soldiered on.  So far not as hard as I thought it would be.  The juice is tasty as far as juice goes.  I was fighting fatigue hard in the early afternoon.  Thought about having a coffee around 1:00pm, and distracted myself with work and water after a few yawns.  Alisha 1 Coffee 0.  (for the record I love coffee, this is just a temporary parting)

When I got home from work I poured the red beet juice into a very large wine glass to make it feel more festive and sat on my porch enjoying the hum of early evening.

After a shower and a super short personal yoga practice I had desert! “blender bender” Almonds, filtered water, dates, cinnamon, vanilla, himalayan salt.  Better than tasty, it was GOOD.

The big question, how do I feel?
A big part of doing this cleanse was to feel energized.  Today I wanted to crawl to bed and go to sleep.  In short that means no change from how I normally feel, but hell it’s only day 1.  I’ll let you know how I feel tomorrow.

xoxox y’all

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